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Aries Zodiac Astrology - Aries Ram


The Initiator

March 21 – April 19

Mantra: “I Am”

Symbol: The Ram

Modality (Quadruplicity): Cardinal

Element (Triplicity): Fire
Planetary Ruler: Mars
Temperature: Hot and Dry
Polarity: Masculine/Yang/Assertive

Body: The Head

Aries is the inner spark that starts a fire and how we get from point A to point B in the quickest way possible. Aries energy burns hot and burns out just as quickly as it gets started. It is not about endurance or being singularly focused for long periods of time. It does a thing with explosive energy and vigor and then moves on to the next. Aries can be incredibly impatient and quick tempered, leading to impulsive behaviors that can alienate others. There is an urgency to “strike while the iron is hot” so as to not miss the moment or squander opportunities.

What Aries lacks in the realm of follow through, it makes up for with courage and leadership. Aries is the risk-taker of the zodiac. This act first, think later quality can appear impulsive and ill-advised to some (and sometimes it is); but it really is a testament to Aries’ ability to tap into its instinctual nature and take the leaps that others only dream of being brave enough to do.

Aries is Mars ruled, so it naturally has a fighting spirit. This warrior-like quality is fueled by competition, frenzy, and friction – anything that displays and brings out its passionate nature. There is no quit in Aries. There can be an inability to see faults or shortcomings, which can lead to repeatedly “ramming” one’s head against obstacles to prove aptitude or assert dominance.

Aries is your inner badass. The house that Aries rules in your chart and the house Mars sits in your chart can clue you into where you have the highest expression of these qualities or where you need to further develop them. The planets in Aries in your chart are being invited to embody these qualities. This is not always comfortable. Mars and the Sun do well in Aries; however Venus and Saturn are greatly challenged here.

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