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Virgo Zodiac Astrology - Virgo Virgin


The Editor

August 23 – September 21

Mantra: “I Optimize”

Symbol: The Virgin

Modality (Quadruplicity): Mutable

Element (Triplicity): Earth

Planetary Ruler: Mercury

Temperature: Cold and Dry

Polarity: Feminine/Yin/Receptive

Body Part: The Stomach

Virgo represents the application and assimilation of information. It is discerning, focused, technical, detail-oriented and precise. Virgo energy sees what others overlook. Like Gemini, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, making it a curious and exploratory sign. The difference between the two is Gemini is interested in collecting information, Virgo seeks to edit and apply it in a practical manner.

Virgo loves to analyze and perfect, which can come across as being nitpicky, naggy, judgmental and critical. Truth is, Virgo views its “eye for flaws” as a service to others. It wants to upgrade you, optimize processes and make whatever it engages with more efficient.

Virgo is the most stable of the mutable signs due to its connection to the Earth. However, there is a degree of change that Virgo energy brings. It rules the gut, where digestion takes place. Food gets taken in, optimized for fuel and what is not needed gets released. Similarly, Virgo has a knack for clearly discerning what is worth holding onto and what is not.

Few signs can rival Virgo’s work ethic, discipline and devotion. This is the energy of “how you practice is how you perform.” Virgo does the day-to-day work behind the scenes that supports or upholds the success of what it is responsible for managing or maintaining. It is obsessed with bettering things and can get bogged down in tiny details that aren’t necessarily relevant to the end goal. This overactivity of the mind can paralyze Virgo and keep it buried in analysis.

The house that Virgo rules in your chart and the house that Mercury sits in your chart can clue you into where you have the highest expression of these qualities or where you need to further develop them. The planets in Virgo In your chart are being invited to embody these qualities. Mercury does well in Virgo; however Venus and Jupiter are greatly challenged here.

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