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Taurus Zodiac Astrology - Taurus Bull


The Sensualist

April 10 – May 20

Mantra: “I Have”

Symbol: The Bull

Modality (Quadruplicity): Fixed

Element (Triplicity): Earth

Planetary Ruler: Venus

Temperature: Cold and Dry

Polarity: Feminine/Yin/Receptive

Body: The Neck

Taurus teaches us the value of slowing down and enjoying the simple, and sometimes finer things in life. It does not like to be hurried or rushed. Taurus energy is measured, consistent, reliable, loyal and steadily unfolding. For Taurus, life is one big buffet of sensory experiences, where one soaks up the beauty, artistry and taste of each moment.

Taurus energy is fixed, so it doesn’t like change. It can be very selfish, greedy, stubborn and bullish in its viewpoints. Like the bull that Taurus is characterized by, it likes to graze and chew on things for a long time before deciding whether change or action is worth the energy. This can be read as laziness; but this act of stillness and tapping into the feeling of “does this feel good to me?” is the most important component in manifestation. On the flip side, it can also lead to inertia if it is not wielded intentionally. Taurus can become stuck in its creature’s comforts and habits, and have a really hard time knowing when change is absolutely necessary and when to endure.

Taurus has a penchant for quality and is concerned with creating a life that is a reflection of that – in accordance with its own personal set of values. Taurus is ruled by Venus and draws upon those sensual qualities. It rules the neck which is one of the body’s erogenous zones. It is also the pathway for food to enter and sustain the physical body as well as the vessel through which we speak life into our reality (manifestation).

Taurus is your inner manifestor. The house that Taurus rules in your chart and the house Venus sits in your chart can clue you into where you have the highest expression of these qualities or where you need to further develop them. The planets in Taurus in your chart are being invited to embody these qualities. Venus and the Moon do well in Taurus ; however Mars is greatly challenged here.

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