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Sagittarius Zodiac Astrology - Sagittarius Archer


The Explorer

November 23 – December 20

Mantra: “I Seek”

Symbol: The Centaur/Archer

Modality (Quadruplicity): Mutable

Element (Triplicity): Fire

Planetary Ruler: Jupiter

Temperature: Hot and Dry

Polarity: Masculine/Yang/Assertive

Body: Thighs

Sagittarius is the wanderer. Like its companion sign, Gemini, it has an insatiable mental curiosity and a need to spread itself out and learn from many experiences. Sagittarius energy is buoyant, optimistic and inspirational. It can also be preachy, self-righteous and painfully direct.

Sagittarius is characterized by the Centaur – a mythical creature that is half man, half horse. It is seen drawing back an arrow and aiming intentionally at its target.

Like the arrow, Sagittarius is about speed, travel and hitting goals. It is restless and needs to be on the go to be its best self. Freedom is life for Sagittarius. It wants to free others by sharing stories and philosophies that it has gathered via its explorations and voyages. Sagittarius is often referred to as the teacher, wise person and sage due to its enviable collection of diverse experiences and friendships. Because of this it will often hop on its soapbox to evangelize it’s perception and beliefs – which can be annoying and off-putting for some.

Sagittarius is the only sign where we see the combination of both the human intellect (man) and animal instinct (horse). It deals with what we can’t empirically prove; but instinctively know to be the truth, and the quest one takes to validate and proclaim that truth.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter – the largest planet in the solar system. It can be consumed by excesses and have a hard time knowing when enough is enough. It will seek and spread out until it is burned out. While Sagittarius is a highly focused sign, it is also fire ruled, so its focus can shift very quickly and very frequently.

The house that Sagittarius rules in your chart and the house that Jupiter sits in your chart can clue you into where you have the highest expression of these qualities or where you need to further develop them. The planets in Sagittarius In your chart are being invited to embody these qualities. Jupiter does well in Sagittarius; however Mercury is greatly challenged here.

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