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Libra Zodiac Astrology - LIbra Scales


The Diplomat

September 22 – October 22

Mantra: “I Balance”

Symbol: The Scales

Modality (Quadruplicity): Cardinal

Element (Triplicity): Air

Planetary Ruler: Venus

Temperature: Hot and Damp

Polarity: Masculine/Yang/Assertive

Body: Lower Back, Hips

Libra is the energy of balance, equality, fairness. It is constantly weighing things, making arguments, debating ideas and playing devil’s advocate. Libra wants all viewpoints to be expressed and vantage points to be considered before arriving at a decision. There is a strong penchant for social justice in Libra and it struggles in situations where this desire is not shared.

Libra is the diplomat of the zodiac. One of Libra’s biggest fears is not being liked. Libra wants to be everyone’s friend, and thus, it has the ability to sense what is needed from others in a social situation and become that. This all so that it can learn and feed its curious nature. Socially, Libra has a keen awareness of self. This can be read as self-consciousness; but what is happening beneath the surface is a weighing of how much of themselves needs to be given up in order to receive the connection it craves with others.

There is a flakiness, flightiness and indecisiveness that stems from a desire not to rock the boat and find solutions that make everyone happy. Because it is so concerned with connecting with others and how it is perceived by them, Libra can easily lose itself and fall into cycles of codependence.

Libra is an air sign and it is cardinal, so follow through is not one of its strengths. It loves to initiate lots of things but has a really difficult time seeing things through to completion. Like Taurus, Libra is ruled by Venus. It has a great eye for beauty, design and aesthetics and will often leverage this to elevate its social value or to gain social graces.

The house that Libra rules in your chart and the house that Venus sits in your chart can clue you into where you have the highest expression of these qualities or where you need to further develop them. The planets in Libra In your chart are being invited to embody these qualities. Venus and Saturn do well in Virgo; however Mars and the Sun are greatly challenged here.

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